Signalo is a company specializing in creating IT systems for manufacturers and warehouses, aimed at optimizing processes, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. Solutions also encompass the areas of forklifts, machinery, and personnel, allowing comprehensive support for companies in operations management.

The philosophy introduced by Signalo into its projects is LGMG (Less Guide More Gains) – an innovative method that enables even more efficient utilization of IT systems in enterprises.

What exactly is LGMG?

It is an approach based on reducing unnecessary guides and increasing benefits for the customer. This means that we focus on creating systems that are maximally simple and user-friendly – eliminating the need for instructions or guides – and concentrating attention on the gains that can be achieved through the application of IT solutions.

With LGMG, we can more effectively implement new IT projects by eliminating unnecessary steps and providing our clients with faster and more intuitive solutions. This makes our systems easier to use, allowing users to achieve their goals more quickly. As a result, our projects become more efficient and generate greater profits for our clients.

Principles of LGMG

The central point of this strategy is the focus on simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness of IT systems. Instead of cluttering applications and technological tools with unnecessary features and complicated mechanisms, LGMG focuses on minimalist design, which allows users to quickly understand and effectively use them.

At the same time, striving for maximum efficiency is a key element of the LGMG philosophy. By eliminating unnecessary steps, automating processes, and optimizing customer interactions, a company can achieve significantly greater benefits, both in terms of time and cost savings and customer satisfaction.

Focus on simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness of IT systems

Finally, customer satisfaction is the goal pursued by every company applying the LGMG approach. By providing simple and intuitive solutions that allow users to quickly and efficiently achieve their goals, a company can build lasting relationships with customers, gaining their trust and loyalty.

In summary, the principles of LGMG represent an ideal combination of minimalism, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, which can help companies succeed in today’s dynamic and competitive business environment.

Benefits of implementing

Easier implementation of IT systems

Thanks to the LGMG approach, the implementation of new IT systems becomes much simpler and more efficient. Reducing the amount of unnecessary information and focusing on the most important tasks allows for quicker introduction of new solutions, resulting in time and cost savings.

Faster learning curve for users

Less unnecessary information means less time needed to learn how to use new tools or applications. With the LGMG approach, users can quickly familiarize themselves with new technologies and start using them to their full potential, contributing to increased productivity at work.

Increased user adoption of new technologies

Because users find it easier to master new technologies, their willingness to experiment with them and find new, more effective ways of working also increases. As a result, the company becomes more innovative and ready to face future challenges.

Lower maintenance and technical support costs

Thanks to easier implementation of IT systems, faster user adoption, and greater adaptation to new technologies, the costs associated with maintaining and supporting IT systems are significantly lower.


Examples of LGMG application in practice

Signalo applies the Less Guide More Gains (LGMG) philosophy in its projects, bringing significant benefits in terms of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Below are a few specific examples of applying this strategy in practice.

1. Forklift fleet management system

Signalo has developed an innovative forklift fleet management system that allows monitoring of their work and optimization of usage. By applying LGMG, the company focused on eliminating unnecessary elements and concentrating on key functions, which allowed for more intuitive and efficient management of the entire process.

As a result, productivity increased, and the costs of forklift fleet operation decreased. Signalo’s customers appreciate the simplicity of using the system and its assistance in optimizing logistics operations.

2. CMMS system

Another example of LGMG application is the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), which helps in managing and planning maintenance and repair works in production plants. By focusing on the essential functions of this system, Signalo created a solution that enables efficient resource management and minimizes machine downtime.

Users of the CMMS system appreciate its ease of use and quick response to reported faults, contributing to increased production efficiency.

3. Automatic intelligent tool cabinets

Signalo has also introduced to the market an innovative solution in the form of automatic intelligent tool cabinets, which enable storage, management, and controlled access to production tools. By applying LGMG, the company focused on streamlining the tool management process by eliminating unnecessary functions and services.

As a result, workplace safety increased, and costs associated with tool loss or damage decreased. Signalo’s customers appreciate the simplicity of using the tool cabinets and the ability to quickly access the necessary tools at the workplace.

4. Cluer system – collecting employee suggestions

The last example of LGMG application is the Cluer system, which allows employees to submit suggestions and ideas for improving company operations. By focusing on the essential functions of the system, Signalo created a tool that supports a culture of innovation and employee engagement.

As a result, employee engagement increased, and innovative ideas for company development were generated. Users’ opinions of the Cluer system are very positive, emphasizing its effectiveness and transparency in the process of collecting and implementing suggestions.


Applying the LGMG philosophy in designing systems brings many benefits to Signalo’s clients. Firstly, it allows companies to save time and money by reducing the need for training and involving staff in learning a new system. Secondly, it facilitates and accelerates the use of solutions and reduces “technology resistance”. Systems are simply friendly and intuitive, and employees quickly realize that they have a positive impact on their work comfort.

It is worth noting that LGMG is not just a passing trend but may represent the future of business. In a rapidly changing world, organizations must be prepared to constantly adapt to new conditions. The Less Guide More Gains philosophy gives them the tools to become more flexible and competitive in the market.